Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I love falling asleep holding hands

So, there's 13 species of otters ALIVE.
Used to be 14, but the Maxwell's otter, is presumed extinct due to draining of their waters to perform genocide in Iraq.
*(Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group)

The more well known ones are the Sea Otters.

The Sea Otter has small fore paws that have no noticeable fingers. The back paws look a lot like flippers because of the webbed toes.

Otters lived up to 10 years.
And they have super duper uber dense fur.

2 sets of fur: longer guard hairs and dense underfur.

The guardhairs, when clean, are waterproof, protecting the underfur which traps a layer of air to provide insulation.
The use of air as insulation is very efficient, providing four times the insulation of the same amount of fat or blubber.
If the hairs are dirty or clogged with oil, then the sea otters coat won't be waterproof and the sea otter will die from the cold. You can see now why Sea Otters spend a large portion of time daily grooming themselves as they float on top of the water !

One some little vain pot ~!
Otters are one of only a handful of tool using mammals.
They use rocks to pry abalone off rocks and to break open shells.
Clever, aren't they?
And they eat abalone ?!!
Got so good life nots?!
yeyy.. hold hands .. me likey

P.S. I just told a secret about holding hands to someone yesterday.

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