Sunday, February 7, 2010

The day I know I can't drink anymore

Playing: Fallen

Yesterday was terrible but yet fantastic.
Went out drinking with friends,
and we finished a bottle of Macallan in about 2 hours.
that felt good. but i smell disaster the next day.
dated a girlfriend out for more drinking with Amit along.
They wanted Amit to send me home. oh well, and he didn't mind more drinks.
so i brought him to chillz.

had beer and redbull.
maybe that's what keeps me awake yet drunk later part of the night .. morning by then.
feel really bad leaving my girlfriend in the pub but i was almost gone by then.
thank god amit's nice.
he took care of me and i put up at his place for a night..
i didnt get to sleep because of my rumbling tummy.. and dizzyness.. kept tossing and turning hoping to find a comfy position.
but in the end i woke him up to show me the toilet.
when i get up i felt so dizzy that i almost blackout.
puked and the dizzing bug when away a lil..

toss and turn again...
got up to puke again. oh god i swear puking is the worst thing in life.
why on earth is puking invented . yikes.
that's when i decided not to drink again.
and i realized i cant drink anymore.
i seems to have this blackout thing more frequently these days..
and nosebleeding too.. that's bad..
time for a medical checkup..

and finally i had cup of nice cold ice water that put me comfatably in bed..
and chatted for a while before i fell asleep and he packed his luggies.
until noon he woke me up when i was dreaming. boos..
and lunch.. had only ice lemon tea... and a tiny cuppa coke..

told him that i've decided to quit drinking, guess what he said..
he siad he's the president of united states...
hallooo excuse me ....

but i know i cant drink anymore...
then i replied him .. i don't drink doesn't mean i cant go clubbing.
and he said .. oh so when u're in a club u can order ice lemon tea on the rock....
that made me flip....
lols ..

or ... coke on the rocks ... sprite on the rocks ...
lame can ~
actually 1/3 of the time i didnt catch what he said....
but sometimes he is sooo funny that i want to faint at what he said.
anyways.. came back home after lunch.. and hoping someone would take the initiative to text/call me to decide on tonight's plan..
need to get my swannie fixed and movie tonight .. happies..

i hate changes.
oh no... i'm terrible... boooos ..

P.S. i want a boo~

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